Noah’s Hebrew name & meaning:
Noach (no'-akh) נֹחַ
Nun (נֹ) =Seed
Chet(חַ) = Wall of protection
Proper Name Masculine
Noach’s name literally means "rest". When Lamech named him in Genesis 5:29, he said,”This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed”.
What I found interesting is that Noach's name is literally the word “grace” backward. This is significant because he is the first one to receive Yah’s grace in a significant way. Genesis 6:8.
Noach was the patriarch who survived the flood or the seed that stood behind the wall of protection. He essentially rested in Yah’s protection over him and his family while the world around him was being judged.
Generations from Adam to Noach (Genesis 5)
Adam (130 years before Seth)
Seth (105 years before Enos)
Enos (90 years before Cainan)
Cainan (70 years before Mahalaleel)
Mahalaleel (65 years before Jared)
Jared (62 years before Enoch)
Enoch (65 years before Methuselah)
Enoch didn’t die he was taken by Yahuah
Methuselah (87 years before Lamech)
Lamech (82 years before Noakh)
Noakh (500 years before Shem, Ham, and Japheth); born pre-flood
Approximately 1650 years had passed since the creation story. Check out this genealogy chart.
The account of Noach’s birth, according to Enoch (Enoch 106:1-16):
Noach was born albino and looked different from his parents (Lamech and his wife). Lamech petitioned his father, Methuselah, to ask Enoch what was going on. Enoch answered and told Methuselah about Noach’s fate, according to what Yahuah had revealed to him, and even told him to tell Lamech to name him Noach. He goes so far as to say that through Noach’s and his children will be saved.
Noakh was a baby and didn’t have children yet, but yet Enoch prophesied about the coming judgment and how Noakh would be the protected seed to re-populate the world.
He and the eight people with him are the only survivors of the flood (Noakh and his wife, Shem and his wife, Ham and his wife, and Japheth and his wife).
What was happen during the days of Noach?
Genesis account (Genesis 6:1-7) states that there were giants and that the son of Elohim came into daughters and they begat sons and daughters. These sons of Elohim (fallen angels) began teaching mankind all kinds of wickedness.
To gain more perspective, I looked at Enoch’s version of the pre-flood account.
According to Enoch’s pre-flood account (Enoch 65-66):
“Noach saw the earth and that it was curved.”
Curve: a line or outline which gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length.
The earth had gradually deviated from the straight path and began to shift or turn away from Yahuah therefore, the judgment of this curve was to be destroyed.
Mankind knew all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the satans, and all the powers of secrecy, and all the power of those who practice sorcery and the powers of fascination, and makers of idols, and also how silver is produced from the dust of the earth and how soft metal originate on the earth — lead and zinc is not produced like the former (they were made from the fallen angels).
Mankind was seduced with all the wonders of the angels of seduction.
Why is this pre-flood sin important to understand, today?
Scripture is cyclical. What has happened will repeat itself.
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." ( Ecclesiastes 1:9)
Enoch’s account literally walks you through what happened before the flood and what was going to happen before the end (foreshadowing the last days).
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." (Isaiah 46:10)
Additionally, Yeshua said that the coming of the son of man will be as in the days of Noach.
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the messengers of heaven, the Father only. As the days of Noach, so also shall the coming of the son of Adam (man) be.” (Matthew 24:37)
When happened to Noach when he received Yah’s grace?
Noach received grace by hearing the words of Yahuah (Genesis 6:8). After He listens to the things Yah commands him, he the “do” those things (Genesis 6:22).
Noach was not a perfect man, he was perfect according to his generation. He was chosen because he was obedient to Yah and did not learn the ways of the sons of God (fallen angels).
Before the flood, according to Enoch, we see that Noakh approaches Enoch in great anger and bitterness.
After the flood, according to Genesis, we see this after the flood when Ham found in naked and drunk.
Noach’s obedience allowed Yah to establish the covenant with Noach (the seed) and his seeds (Shem, Ham, and Japheth).
“The great destruction will be over all the earth, and there will be water of a deluge, and great destruction will be for one year. This son who is born to thee will be left on the earth, and his three children will be saved with him, when all men who are on earth shall die, he and his children will be saved." (Enoch 106:15-16)
What makes this beautiful is that none of us are perfect, but if we begin to hear and be obedient to the Father than we will receive his grace; just like not only Noach but, Abram (Abraham), Joseph, Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Saul, David, and Yahshua, etc.