Passover is a feast day that Yahuah commanded the children of Israel to do throughout their generations to remember how Yahuah delivered them from bondage and out of Egypt. This feast day also foreshadows the HaMashiach's sacrifice as the Passover lamb.
According to the book of Exodus (Shemoth), after the Yosef (Yahuahhas increased/added) died the children of Israel began to multiply in the land of Goshen, a province of Egypt. They became enlarged and was more numerous than the Egyptians. When a new Pharaoh arose, he sought to depopulate the Israelites by killing all the newborns born that was born to the Israelite women. In this mass genocide, Yahuah saved one, his name was Moses (Mosheh).
As the story goes, Mosheh was saved by Pharaoh's daughter, nursed by his mother, but grew in the palace apart of the royal family. While Mosheh grew, he watched as his people as slaves and witnessed the brutality of the Egyptians on his people. In anger, one day he killed an Egyptian who was brutalizing an Israelite and afterward, he fled Egypt (Mitsrayim).
As a fugitive, Mosheh meets Jethro and his family and sought shelter there. Jethro and his family worshiped Yahuah and it’s there where Mosheh begins to reconnect with his culture and heritage. In fact, he soon marries Jethro’s daughter Zepporah and became a shepherd. In hindsight, this seems to be all apart of Yahuah’s plan because eventually, Mosheh would be the shepherd that leads Yahuah’s chosen people out of bondage and to the Promised Land.
One day while shepherding the flock, Yahuah calls to Mosheh from a burning bush and calls him to do great signs and wonders in His name to free his people from bondage (:). Afraid to be used as the speaker of Yahuah because of a speaking impairment, Yahuah sends his biological brother Aaron, to speak on his behalf while Mosheh did the acts. This too is foreshadowing Aaron’s (and his descendant’s) role as the priest of Israel who speaks and intercedes on behalf of Israel until HaMashiach.
The Ten Plagues of Egypt
Upon arrival in Egypt, Mosheh and Aaron work the signs and wonders of Yahuah in response to Pharoah’s hardened heart. Yahuah sends ten plagues; three of
which actually affected Israel while the other seven did not. The plagues include 1) The plague of blood, 2) The plague of frogs, 3) The plague of lice, 4) The plague of flies 5) The plague of the death of livestock, 6) The
Plague of Boils, 7) The plague of hail. 8) The plagues of locusts, 9) The plague of darkness, and finally, 10) The plague of the firstborn. All of the plagues represented Yahuah’s judgment on the gods that the Egyptians served but the last was a direct judgment of the Egyptian’s mindset of believing that Pharoah was a god. In addition to this, it also foreshadowed the death of HaMashiach.
During the last plague, Yahuah commanded Israel to keep Passover. They were to take a lamb without blemish and kill it and to use its blood to paint their doors. This to be a sign of their allegiance to Yahuah, our Father. Because of this sign, the firstborns of the Israelites were spared while the rest of Egypt received the plague. For they were not in allegiance with Yahuah and therefore, was against Him.
According to Shemoth (Exodus) Passover is the memorial of these events and the day that Yahuah delivered the Israelites out of their captivity in Egypt. Yahuah instructed us to eat it with our "... loins girded,... sandals on our feet, and your staff in your hand... And in haste. It is the Pĕsaḥ of Yahuah.
And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever.” (Exodus 12:14)
We, therefore, remember Passover no only because Yahuah commanded us to but to remember HaMashiach and the sacrifice He made for us at the stake. In fact, the night that He was betrayed, the last supper, was during the commemoration of the annual Feast of Passover and unleavened bread.
Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover? And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the Passover. Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve.
During the last supper, the HaMashiach asked us to remember Him through the observance the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Yahushua HaMashiach, is the Passover lamb and its through his blood that our sins are covered.
For this is My blood, that of the renewed covenant, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:28)
— Please enjoy our Passover pictures! —