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Writer's pictureThe Inspired Roots

Understanding the Appointed Times

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

Why Did Yahuah Give Us Appointed Times?

This is a long story that has its bearings in the beginning in the Book of Genesis (Bereshit) when Joseph (Yosef) was sold as a slave into Egypt. After finding favor in Pharoah’s eyes because of his gift to interpret dreams, he was given an opportunity to help prepare Egypt (Mitzrayim) and the surrounding areas for a great famine. This ultimately leads to Yosef becoming very powerful in the land, only second to Pharoah. This power gave Yosef the ability to save his family and all of Egypt.

Yosef family moved to the land of Goshen, which was a province of Egpyt, and just as Yosef name implied his family began to grow expediently,then Yosef died. After his death, a Pharoah rose up later that was afraid of the Israelite population and order for the babies to be executed in an effort to deplete the population. It was during this massacre, that Yahuah saved one baby named Moses (Moseh) and through him, Yahuah worked many great signs and wonders as He freed His chosen people.

When the Children of Israel gained freedom, they had taken with them a slew of Egyptian customs, feast, and traditions; forgetting the ways of their forefathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob (Israel). Therefore, Yahuah re-established the covenant that He made with Abraham, long ago, with the children of Israel who were present that day. The commandments were given to Moseh on Mount Sinai, while the rest of the laws and statutes were given to him while they were traveling through the wilderness for forty years.

What are the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20. These ten commandments are very interesting because according to Yahushua, in Matthew (:), within them, hang all the laws of Yah. The first four commandments are ways that we show our Father how much we love Him and the remaining six show our neighbor how much we love them; for it is said that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (:).

What are the Laws & Statutes?

The first mention of the laws and statutes are found throughout the first five books of the Bible which include Genesis (Bereshit), Exodus (Shemoth), Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy but you may also find other statues given by Yahuah throughout scripture. What our family has come to understand is that if Yahuah says it, we do it. We understand that Yahuah does not change and that He has commanded us to shema which means to hear and to do.

Now, you may have heard that there are 613 laws to keep, and technically there are but most of them you automatically do if you are keeping the ten commandments, some of them are common sense, some have been fulfilled by the Messiah (Hamashiach), and the others deals with a temple which we do not have, so we keep those things in our hearts.

All in all, Yahuah is our creator and He know what is best for us, even when we don't. So, as for me and my house we will serve Yahuah.

Our family observing the Passover.
Our family observing the Passover.

What are the Feast Days?

Yahuah always gives us clues about what has happened and what is to come. Now, yes, there are a few things that are kept secret but, just like our earthly father who prefer for us to listen and do the things he ask of us, the same is to be true for our heavenly Father (Abba). Yahuah gave the Children of Israel Feast Days and Holy Convocations to be a sign between them as to who they serve. In fact, when Yahuah delivered other nations into the hand of the Israelites, He commanded them to utterly destroy them, not leaving anything that would turn them to the right or to the left.

What is so interesting about Feast Days is that they can also be used as a timeline. Each feast day symbolizes something significant on Yahuah’s timeline for this world.

As Yahuah begins to wake up the Children of Israel, we must realize that we are still in captivity; in a land that is not our own. Additionally, just like the Israelites who left out of Egypt, that first generation did not see the Promised Land. This was a result of their disobedience to Yahuah, but also because they did not want to let go of the customs and traditions that they learned while they were in Egypt.. Therefore, despite the reality that we are still learning, we will continue to be obedient to the Ruach HaKodesh and go wherever it leads us.

Below, based on careful study and guidance, are the feast days and appointed times based on observational evidence using the signs that Yahuah gave us from the beginning of times in Genesis. We understand that they are not set by the Gregorian calendar, however, we live in a world that operate based on the dates and months outlined in it. Therefore, we aligned our observations with the Gregorian calendar so that the feast and appointed times can be easily followed.

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